Pneumatic Gas Lifts
1.5" High Taper Lift: Most commonly used on Executive Chair Models. Compatible with all Lifeform Chair Models.
1.5" Lift: Most commonly used on Executive Chair Models. Compatible with all Lifeform Chair Models.
3" Lift: Most commonly used on Management & Task Chair Models. Compatible with all Lifeform Chair Models.
5" Lift: Most commonly used on Management, Task and Stool Chair Models. Compatible with all Lifeform Chair Models.
8" Lift: Most commonly used on Management, Task and Stool Chair Models when combined with a Foot Ring. Compatible with Lifeform Management, Task and Stool Chair Models.
10" Lift: Most commonly used on Task and Stool Chair Models when combined with a Foot Ring. Compatible with Lifeform Management, Task and Stool Chair Models.